Blogs On Motivation

Power Of Observation – Turn Your Vision Into Reality



Listen! Your time is passing. I am not sure on what profession you are but if you observe your whole day to day…life…you will see…your days are passing so quickly, that your subconscious mind can’t even realize. A day before you were thinking of accomplishing big goals and with a blink of an eye, your next day starts and you realize you are in the same place where you started.

You are imagining yourself living your dream life, then out of a sudden your eyes open and you realize you are in a locked room with darkness all around and there’s no way out. Then at your job you meet people who you don’t even know. They take precious time of your life, they use your emotions, and eventually leave you in some corner with dying dreams and emotions.

You don’t even realize when you become a cog in the wheel. You’ve been dying in that pit for years and how hilarious it is you…you know that! And still you are not taking any action. Why are you not taking any action? What about your dreams? Tony robins once said…”if you’re in your ahead…you are fucking dead”. It is the only life you have my friend…live it as if it is your last day on earth.

Fuck people! They are not gonna bury your dying self…they will be just watching…while your tears rolling down your face….that how close you were to your dream…but you couldn’t touch it because you were so afraid of other’s opinions and losing your past self.

Did you even try to hear the voice of your future self?

Your new self kept on banging your door but you didn’t open the door. This regret will haunt you forever my friend. No matter how weak you are…how lost you are…find a light of hope within you…take massive action…use your divine voice….because this earth itself is gonna be destroyed one day…so you’re just a human…with so much buried emotions and aspirations. Give yourself a chance.

Believe me nobody gives a shit about you, they’re all lost in the deep oceans of their crippling thoughts…….living someone else’s life. Your whole world is dying inside you….feed it with power…feed it with hope…feed it with undying uplifting emotions…and never giving up attitude.

You’re already naked walking on the road…so use the time you have on this planet…leave everyone that stop you from reaching where you want to go…live in imaginations…it does become reality…don’t believe in someone’s lie…they’re showing their true nature…….but if you remain honest with yourself, the whole cosmos will turn the whole world in your favor, and will give your life a pragmatism touch with unstoppable abundance.

This is what happens when you begin to embrace the power of observation.

1) You no longer be you

When you observe the whole essence of you, then you no longer remain the same. You begin to make a major shift in your life. Your word of choice doesn’t remain the same. You begin to act differently. Your life choices, standards, and perspective don’t remain the same. Your own identity, who you used to think what it was, completely becomes a different identity. You begin to make a distance from the places that can trigger your past self-limiting beliefs. You start to approach your life like a newborn child who looks at the world from an entirely different perspective. 

Wayne Dyer once said, “change the way you look at things, and things you look at change” He was right with his inspiring words. If you won’t change the way you look at the world…the way you’ve been seeing it for years, then you will remain the same you…who will never forgive you for your sins. But, if you take a leap of faith, and become a beacon of hope for your future self, then he or she will salute you when you will be taking the last breaths of your life.

2) You become mindful of your intrusive thoughts

The moment a negative thought comes into your mind (Negative thoughts…such as…. for ex: you remember past events where people used to downgrade your self-worth, they judged you for no reason, said inappropriate words to destroy your self-esteem…how they made you feel as you of no worth…how they made you feel inferior and insecure in your own skin…their voice still hurt you…their face keep on restricting you from unleashing what you are in the essence of your core).

So, the moment a negative thought comes into your mind……………..instantly shift that negative thought to the core essence of who you want to be…let your higher intelligence intertwine with your future self….let your divine self… be your guiding light to welcome unlimited positivity in your life. 

3) You begin to trust yourself

When you observe your inner self, and how it is reacting in different situations, then you begin to exclude external validation from your inner reality. You start to trust your instincts and the guiding force to illuminate your path. You stop seeking approval from others of how you should feel, and how you should live your life. You begin to understand that your instincts and your conscience aren’t your enemy, they’re your best path illuminators.

You look at each failure as an opportunity to remake your current self. It is just like believing in yourself when no one’s willing to. So, never be afraid to trust your inner guidance, it is the only supporter you may ever get in your life.

4) You stop limiting yourself

One of the biggest truths of our lives is that our time here…..on earth is limited. And we’ve already spent half of our lives in overthinking, comparisons, what if fears and what not? Somewhere deep down we know something is missing……something that needs to come out….otherwise it will burn us from inside. It is kind of a calling…that we are not probably ready for yet…because it asks something bigger than our current self. Most of us are puzzled in our day to day lives. Some running to feed their kids, some running for jobs, and some dying due to inferiority complex issues that they’re not adequate enough. 

You get stuck in an inescapable loop

This is a cycle that keeps on repeating again and again. Because the creator left us all alone after throwing us on this blue planet. He didn’t even care to look back once before leaving us all alone. He gave us knowledge about life…but not about death!!! What happens after death? Who cares!!! I know. Let’s watch some reels on FB or YT, then go back to sleep. Easy going life…right? 

But, what if you don’t want this kind of life? You don’t want to die like a mediocre? Don’t you want $100,000 in your bank account? Can you make it possible in a year? Do you have that kind of potential? What will you do if you genuinely want that much amount of money? It scares the shit out of us…when we think about this much money. Isn’t it? Because, we haven’t thought like this ever before. Because…it seems impossible. And the reason that it seems impossible lies in our lower thinking attitude.

We aren’t willing to think big…we have made ourselves believe…that you deserve less…because you just can’t get that MUCH BIG AMOUNT…common!!.look at yourself in the mirror…you look so funny…( Negative inner voice ). 

But if you look at life from a different angle, when you embrace the power of observation, you’ll realize that everything within others’ reach is within your reach too. It is just a matter of how you look at life…your perceptions, beliefs, values and beyond that. Jack Canfield, America’s number 1 life coach and motivational speaker used law of attraction to manifest his first $100000 in a year. So, in order to make a major shift in your life, you have to change everything that is stopping you from achieving what you desperately want to achieve. 

You are the only one who is stopping yourself…let me repeat…… are the only one who is stopping yourself….no one else. 

You know what you need to do to get to that level…whether it is touching a $100,000 mark or getting a better life.  You know what resources you need, who you have to connect with, what you have to become to get to that level, what circle you may need to fulfill your inner wishes and beyond that. You know ….everything!! Don’t you? It all takes that single step forward…that first step…towards the unknown…and it is the hardest one..!!! 

Last but not the least…this earth is gonna end one day..… living a lavish lifestyle……is better than to remain mediocre… make effort…see…how far you can go……… least you will land somewhere better than…where you are today!!!

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