Blogs On Motivation

Do you live in fear? Here is how you can overcome it and enjoy life instead.



Most people couldn’t have afforded a great life if they had allowed their fears to get in the way of their dreams. They, like the majority of us, had no idea where they were going or what they truly desired out of life. But one thing was common among them. They had courage, wisdom, and an insatiable desire to become a better version of themselves. They didn’t allow their fears to use them. Instead, they used it to fuel their motivation and eventually made a way out of the rut. They attracted abundance and tranquility in their lives when they understood that “everything they want is on the other side of fear”. So, without any further ado, let’s discuss 5 ways to get over fear, and live life to the fullest.

1) Face It Head-On

Instead of complaining about your circumstances, and playing victim game, find ways to overcome your fears. No one is going to do it for you. You have to do it on your own. Focus on your gifts and talents that have been given to you and use it to break free from your innermost fears.  Stop allowing external forces define who you are and what you will become. You are the captain of your own ship. No one can understand you better than yourself. Focus on your inner voice. It has all the answers you’ve been looking for. It knows what you truly want in your life, and where your heart is. It knows that everything you ever wished for is on the other side of you fear. So, the only way to live to your highest potential is to face it – face your fear head-on.

2) Use It For Self-Transformation

Did someone ever tell you that having fear in life is essential for your success? If so, have you used it for self-transformation? Or did you just let it pass through? Generally, when we talk about fear, we envision its effects on our lives. In actuality, it is an energy that runs through our veins and has an infinite potential to turn our dreams into reality. A brutal force that makes us rethink our choices that no longer add value to our lives. It is one of the reasons why we tend to doubt ourselves and reiterate what-if lines every now and then. However, once you embrace it wholeheartedly with your soul and mind, you will see how it radically changes your life – or better yet, transforms you into a new you.

3) Take Massive Action 

When we live in fear, it stops us from reaching to our goals and objectives. It keeps us locked into the prison of status quo and deep down insecurities, which holds us back from living up to our greater potential. Fear is a negative emotion that turns our lives upside down, and holds us back from reaching our true potential. The more we talk about it, the more we wish to run away from it. However, if used properly, this it can become a tool to attain fulfillment.

4) Reinforce Your Belief

There is something going on inside of you. You don’t know what it is, but you’ve experienced it many times before. It is kind of a déjà vu or serendipity that is happening more frequently in your life. But, somewhere deep inside, you know you have some kind of connection with it. What if I told you that these signs have special significance for you? What if all the things you’ve ever wanted in your life were within your reach? To put it plainly, your deep feelings are somehow connected to your goals that you haven’t accomplished yet, and reoccurs every time you tune in to that feeling. Understanding the soul reason of these out comings can help you get over your fear, and transition you into your greater self.

5) Develop an Abundance Mindset

Most people sell out their dreams to their innermost fears. They confine themselves within the walls of self-sabotagement, self-hatred, and what-if mentality. They get used to living the mundane life and find absolute satisfaction in it. But, in reality, they’re just digging a big hole for themselves. They are unaware of the fact that an abundant life is waiting for them on the other side of their fears. They live in fear every day, and fail to understand the true essence of life. On the other side, someone with an abundance mindset is positive, courageous and strong-minded. They never get discouraged by their fears. Instead, they use it fuel their passion and attract greater abundance in their lives.

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