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Do Negative Thoughts Bother You? Here’s How To Get Rid of it Spiritually.



If you have ever been stuck in a negative thought pattern, then you probably know how painful and detrimental it can be for your mental and physical health; sort of a time dilation where you keep ruminating—where you went wrong, and what you could have done better at the time. Truth be told, staying stuck in the past and recalling negative moments won’t do you any good, but only steals your happiness in return. Unlike positivity, which is a genuine source of happiness, negativity is the opposite. It is a life-sucking force that uses self-criticism and self-hatred to add life to its years.

Surprisingly, as humans, we have little to no control over these negative energies, which cause frequent havoc in our lives. However, like any other problem, there is a way out of your negative thoughts as well.

Here Are 5 Ways To Get Rid of Negative Thoughts Spiritually

1) Remember You Are Stronger Than Your Negative Thoughts

Always remember, no one can downgrade your true worth than you yourself. You’re the only one responsible for your success, your failures and your overall happiness. If you are being influenced by someone’s perception of who you are, then you are simply underestimating your divine self, which is locked somewhere deep down within you. In fact, the truth is, your negative thoughts are just a tiny portion of your greater self. They come and go, just like seasons and have little to no control over your life unless you let them too. Therefore, knowing that they have little to no power over you divine self, you can proactively outgrow them, and live a more positive and fulfilling life.

2) Divert Your Mind

Thinking about the negative scenarios all the time won’t make your life any better, but will make you suffer even more. Hence, it is always better to keep a distance from negative thoughts by engaging yourself in meaningful things. You can do this by attending yoga classes, motivational conferences or anything that can help you lift your spirits or feel alive. Additionally, if you are fond of writing, then you can start you own blog or simply can start a YouTube channel. The point of the matter is, you have to keep experimenting with your life to make it more interesting and meaningful, no matter how much negativity you are preoccupied with.

3) Exercise Regularly

As per various studies exercising regularly helps in improving your overall health and overcoming negative thoughts. Any form of exercises, whether it is aerobic one or strengthening based, both are effective in reducing the symptoms of stress, anxiety and depression. Along with aerobic exercises like running or cycling, you can also perform yoga at home and can even practice mindfulness to stay calm during negative situations. Remember, turning negative thoughts into positive takes time and a constant amount of discipline.

4) Ask For Help

Keeping negative thoughts to yourself can be hazardous for your mental well-being, and can become a serious health issue if not treated on time. Therefore, it is always advisable to ask help from someone, even when you don’t want to. Because, asking for help won’t cost you anything, rather provide you a solution to your problem.

Though, more often people resist asking for help may be because of their pride or they probably think, it can make them appear needy or weaker. Whatever the reason, there is no harm in asking for help. In fact, it is one of the positive characteristics that fosters a strong bond and trust with others. So, next time, whenever a negative thought come into your mind, go check out someone who can help you out, and don’t forget to express your gratitude in return.

5) Practice Positive Affirmations

Everyone gets the same amount of time in a day. And in that 24 hour time, we either be criticizing ourselves for our mistakes or stressing over unimportant things. Instead of doing something really productive, we make excuses, and keep on repeating negative affirmations to ourselves like, I am not enough, I am a failure or I can’t do it. And as time passes, it becomes nearly impossible to tame down these negative voices.

However, where there is darkness, there is light as well. Likewise, where there is a negative voice, there is a positive voice too. Positive voice is your inner core that always wants the best for you, no matter how you look, how you speak and how disappointed you feel about yourself. On the other hand, the negative voice sucks the life out of you, leaving you restless, frustrated and unfulfilled. Whereas, instilling positive affirmations in your mind like, I am strong, I am unique, I am worthy, I am confident or I am successful will help you attract abundance and happiness in your life; making you feel complete and fulfilled.

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