Blogs On Motivation

5 Ways To Overcome People Better Than Me Mentality



More often, we find ourselves in a vicious trap of comparing ourselves with others. Instead of focusing on our strengths, we focus on our weaknesses, doubting our abilities, and succumbing to the belief that ‘others are better than us.’ Soon, these spiraling thoughts drain our vitality, leading us down an unknown path that goes nowhere.

So, what can we do about it? Is there any way to outweigh these “people better than me” cycles?

Yes! Just as there is a solution to every problem, similarly there is a solution to break free from the “people better than me” cycle as well. With that said, let’s explore:

5 Ways To Overcome People Better Than Me Mentality

1) Making Comparisons in a Healthy Manner

The only time we lose ourselves is when we start comparing ourselves with others. Despite knowing the incredible potential, we have within us, we “find peace poking into others’ lives.” Ironically speaking! But, why do we humans do that? Is it an inherent tendency or a matter of choice? Why is it so difficult to be just content with yourself or be at peace?

Throughout our human history, we’ve come a long way from where we began. We’ve mastered most things that were just a dream a centuries ago, and it all happened because of our unstoppable urge and relentless curiosity. While these traits have pushed us to expand our limits, they’ve also brought about consequences.

As humans, we’ve divided the earth into territories, established boundaries, systems, and worst of all, we’ve learned the art of creating weapons of destruction—simply by poking, comparing, and using them for our own advantage. So, here, ‘we’ as ‘humans’ have utilized each other’s knowledge to expand our reach to every corner of the world.

But, on the flip side, if we humans weren’t that excited to expand our knowledge, then we might have got trapped into the vicious pattern of comparison, not gaining anything out of it, hindering our growth or wouldn’t have grown this much like we are today. Hence, it is crucial for us to stop comparing ourselves with others, instead learning from others strengths, and using it for our own growth. Envy, after all, won’t lead us anywhere but will stifle our own aspirations in return.

2) Remember No One Gets Out of Here Alive

If you’re quite lost in checking out what others’ doing or why they’re so better that you, then hold on for a second and look at your surroundings, the tress, rivers, mountains, people walking around you, etc and then come back to your consciousness and ask yourself “is that going to matter in the end?”

Think from a wider perspective. Just don’t get consumed by what the world’s offering to you, use your own intellect, and develop an unshakable strength within you, so whenever you encounter such “people better than me” mentality thoughts, you can overcome them instantly.

Have the resilience to bounce back from everything that lowers down your self-esteem and how you usually perceive yourself into the outer world. Remember that, life is short, and nobody’s gonna get out of here alive. So, cherish the present without getting attached to the past and the future. Remember, comparison is the root of all evil. So, isn’t it better to just eliminate it through our lives and live peacefully? Why to just stay stuck in the comparison mechanics, fueling negativity, and boosting others ego?

See, no matter how much you compare yourself with others, ultimately everything and everyone you know going to turn into a dust. The thing that matters to you today, won’t matter in 5 years or 10 years. Though, comparison can be a better thing as long as you are doing it by keeping growth in mind, but if not, then it can become a worst nightmare of your life.

3) Embrace The Power of Self-Awareness

The only person who can downgrade your worth is “YOU” yourself – no one else can. If you think that other people are better than you, then yes, you’re right. Because that’s how you have designed your life, that’s how your choices have been so far.

It’s entirely easy to undermine yourself and focus on others’ lives, but it takes years to be yourself and shape your life. And it can only happen when you are aware of your surroundings when you have the answers to your “what if” doubts, when your self-growth becomes more important than looking into others’ matters, this is when you begin to know your true self.

You can practice meditation to get a deeper understanding of your inner self, exercise regularly to keep yourself fit, ask for constructive feedback, reflect on your emotions, and engage in meaningful and purposeful activities.

4) Still Your Mind For a Moment

It’s ok if someone has achieved their goals sooner than yours. It’s ok, if you’re still struggling with your life while others enjoying their time on vocations. It’s completely alright and there’s nothing wrong with it.

But, if you’re taking it personally or simply getting pissed off by other’s successes, then turn off your brain and be silent for a moment and sense how you’re feeling at the moment. Are you angry, sad, or anxious? What kind of feeling is that? Simply ask yourself while keeping your mind still, and you’ll find your answers.

For practice, try this: Close your eyes, be present, and don’t move. Now, what do you see? Darkness, right? That’s how daunting life’s truth can seem.

We are all gonna end up on the same boat, travelling miles away as spirits to get lost somewhere far in the universe. Though, despite knowing how dark life is beyond death, still we try to stifle our lives by comparing with others successes, wealth and happiness. Therefore, choosing to be happy in the moment without attaching ourselves to anything is the key for the long-lasting happiness.

5) Keep Pushing Yourself

Every one of us has got the same amount of time on this planet. Few of us take charge of our own lives, few just float around without any reason and become the person they never wished to be. On the other hand, an individual who knows the true meaning of life, works hard every day to reach their full potential, wishing good for others, imbibing positive habits, learning new skills, and living on their terms.

3 Habits of Highly Successful People

1)  They Love Themselves

Everything that begins has an end, much like life itself, which will eventually reach its end one day. People who truly love themselves are determined to achieve their goals and never lose sight of them, regardless of the challenges that come their way.

2) They are Lifelong Learners

Unlike those who blame others of their problems and never take a leap of faith, the highly successful ones keep on exerting themselves to the next level. They have a much clear focus, resilience, emotional intelligence and an unbreakable attitude to make their dreams come true. They have an inner motivation, a conscience that keeps on pushing them to the higher level.

3) They Embrace Present

The most common habit of unsuccessful people is that they remain stuck in the past. Despite knowing nothing grows there, they fear to unhold the reins of their gone feelings and emotions, and as a result they lose their sight from their path. On the other hand, the people who embrace present, they have a clear set path and never bog down with life challenges, instead they emerge as a stronger individual who knows how to make lemonade when the life has only to offer lemons.

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