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How To Figure Out What You Want In Life?



Figuring out what you want in life isn’t like doing something one day and forgetting about it the next. It’s a journey spanning months, years, or even decades to find what perfectly aligns with your subconscious desires or inner self. It is something that challenges you everyday, pushes your limits and changes your life in and out. And guess what, finding that thing is hell of a ride. Because when we don’t know what we want, it is easy to get trapped in a never ending maze of life – leading us to an unknown path that goes nowhere. And overtime this leads to anxiety, stress and depression – making us feel lost and aggravated.

Knowing what you genuinely want in your life is crucial as it gives you a sense of purpose, freedom, and a never ending urge to become better than before. Here are some incredible ways to find what you want in life and who you want to be.

6 Ways To Figure Out What You Want In Life

1) Practice Self-Reflection 

In order to identify what you truly want in your life is to first understand how your inner self works. Because your inner self is a reflection of your desires, dreams, and whatever you want to manifest into the outer world. Even in recent study, it is stated that self-reflection plays a significant role in forming the self-concept. And that self-concept forms when you understand yourself in and out, your goals, dreams, and your life’s purpose. 

There is a saying, “Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.” When you know yourself deeply, you become better at taking life’s decisions, stay calm when life tests your limits, and remain resilient in the face of adversity.

2) Explore Different Options

Another possible way to find your passion or life’s purpose is by exploring and experimenting with different options. Sometimes at the early stages of our lives it becomes nearly impossible to find the right career or profession for us. However, as the time goes by—when we explore all possible options—eventually all our learnings and experiences perfectly synchronize with what we truly want in our lives, and help us live a fulfilled and prosperous life.

For instance: You’re working in some xyz organization, and spending 8 to 9 hours everyday in the office, and following the same pattern everyday. However, one day you realize that this is not what inspires you or motivates you from the core of your heart. 

So, you start focussing on other things apart from your daily tasks. You joined singing classes, dance classes, started your own YouTube channel and explored every possible venture to understand what truly satisfies your inner child.

With the above example we can understand that finding what you want in your life isn’t a straight line concept—it is a spiral one, which means you’ve to go through different doors in order to find the right one that actually satisfies your inner soul and the hunger for life.

3) Take Action – Time Waits For No One

Comfort is a drug that you give to yourself to forget your purpose, your dreams, and what you genuinely crave out of your life. Sitting still where you don’t belong may give you temporary gratification for a while, but will steal every ounce of happiness in the long run, and put you in a labyrinth with no escape. Though, when you choose action over stagnation, you begin to see more possibilities for growth than limitations.

Remember that there is always a light at the end of the tunnel, but in order to reach that tunnel you’ve to overcome your procrastination habit, embrace new opportunities and take action on a daily basis—no matter how small. The key to abundant and prosperous life doesn’t lie in waiting for the right moment, it is living in the here and now.

4) Listen To Your Intuition

No one can understand you better than you yourself. If you find yourself trapped in a constant loop of negativity, overwhelmed by fears, self-doubt, mood swings, and uncontrollable emotions, then instead of seeking answers outside of yourself—look within. Because, nothing can manifest externally without the consent of your inner self. If you believe you’re weak, then indeed, you are; if you believe you’re strong, then yes, you are. 

Remember, you are the one who is in control of your life, not others. When you trust your intuition or simply surrender to your higher self, you form a direct connection with the universe that understands your feelings, emotions, aspirations, and what you truly want out of your life. It uplifts you by shifting your focus from “I can’t do it” to “Yes, I can”, from “I am weak” to “I am strong”, and beyond. Remember, the universe never gives you something you can’t handle, so trust the process, and believe that everything happens for a reason.

5) Visualize What You Want To Manifest

Visualising is a great technique to turn your thoughts into action. Even famous actors like Will Smith, Muhammad Ali, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jim Carey and Denzel Washington and many more use the power of visualization daily to fulfill their dreams. So, If you don’t want to stay stuck where you’re right now, then embrace visualization in your life. It is a source to your inner fulfillment with a little pinch of consistency and action

6) Seek Inspiration

If you see someone who is doing great in their life, then seek inspiration from them. Learn about their biographies, interests, passions, goals, and dreams, whatever it is that excites them and keeps their enthusiasm alive. 

Observe their walking style, way of talking, behaviour, books they read, food they eat, places they visit, and more. Just be mindful not to become a complete imitation of them; instead, select what resonates with you to shape your own identity and future.

Remember, when you’re aiming for a long shot or dreaming big, your starting frequencyᅳwhat you want to achieve or becomeᅳmust align with your end frequencyᅳwhere you want to be or who you want to become

If you have an idol like Jim Carrey, Shah Rukh Khan, Michael Jordan, Oprah Winfrey and want to be like them, then you know from within what you’re talking about and what price you’ve to pay to get to that level. 

Listen, it’s great to imagine and keep on daydreaming about doing great things in life, but the reality is a whole lot different than what you imagine or dream of. It is a path with no guarantee of success, and failures will curse your existence every step of the way. But if you’re determined to uncover the true essence of your life and willing to do everything to change your life’s circumstances —unfettered by the opinions of others—then the day is not far when you will be there where you want to be. But do remember, nothing comes free; you have got to pay the price for it.

Every individual you know as a great person has paid the price to reach that level.

  1. Michael Jordan, a renowned basketball player missed more than 9000 shots in his career, lost almost more than 300 games, and tasted back-to-back failures but ultimately succeeded.
  1. Another individual who is known for his brilliant comedy is Jim Carry. He has shown people that no matter what happens in your life, you should always aim high and stay resilient in the face of challenges. A long back before getting into the acting field, he discovered that he had dyslexia, which made him unable to read letters, interpret words, symbols, etc. He also had to go through a phase of anxiety and depression and live in a van for the first few months in Toronto before beginning his journey as a stand-up comedian. Despite going through numerous hurdles, he remained strong and grounded and never gave up on his dreams.

With this we can understand that whatever you wish for or want to achieve in your life, you’ve to have the mindset like that with unwavering focus and unshakable belief in yourself.

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