Blogs On Motivation

5 Ways to Overcome Yourself and Attract Positivity into Your Life



Truth be told, one of the hardest parts of our lives is to overcome our own worst possible selves, the one responsible for our failures, deepest insecurities, and negative outlook towards life—the one that uses our past as a tool to define our present—preventing us from exploring our true potential. However, where there is darkness, there is a light as well. Similarly, where there is a negative self, there is a positive self too. Positive self is your divine self that never holds you back, the way your negative self does! In fact, it pushes past your limits to unlock your true potential and things you really want out of your life. Thereby, if you’re stuck in a negative pattern and looking for a way out, then these 5 ways can help you overcome yourself and help you live a more admirable life.

1. Beware of the negative voices in your head

There are two voices in our head, one is positive and the other one is negative. Both voices have their own purpose that somehow affects our choices and our perspectives in general.

When we talk about the negative one, then its ultimate objective is to discourage or demotivate us. It uses harsh negative words against us, like, you’re not good enough, you’re a failure, and you cannot achieve greater success in your life. This one is brash and never listens to our conscience.

On the other hand, there is a positive voice. A positive voice is our inner critic that helps us achieve our goals and life’s objectives. It has no motive other than to elevate us and uncover our hidden talents. It is the core reason why most people are able to overcome themselves and experience tranquilly in their lives.

“A positive inner voice will come when you cultivate inner peace, kindness, patience, and happiness.” — Mary R.

This quote perfectly describes the importance of having a positive voice in our lives. Because it is the only one that always wants the best for us, no matter at situation we are in. It always tries to rekindle our lost spirits, and regain our lost motivation.

2. Get yourself out of your comfort zone

“Comfort zone is a place where most dreams go to die.”

Most people want to fulfill their dreams, but nobody wants to endure the pain that comes along with it. Likewise, everybody wants to get rich, but nobody wants to go through sleepless nights. This is the real truth of life. The comfort zone traps us into the safest zone, where life feels most safe and secure, where everything is relatable and already experienced. But, once we step out of our comfortable lives, we hesitate and hold ourselves back. And the reason is simple. It is just too hard for us to face the real life challenges that come with life’s uncertainty and unknown fears. So, what’s the way? The way is simple.

  • Just Believe in yourself: There is a lot of power within all of us to manifest our dreams into reality. It is hidden within us. Locked into an intangible form, we cannot touch it, but it is there, waiting for us to let it free, and embrace life’s fear with sheer determination and courage.
  • Tie yourself to a belief: Belief is just not a belief, it is your inner creation and your life overall. Once you accept it as your ultimate truth, you begin to notice how everything around you begins to change. It gives you a reason to keep going, even if you don’t want to. In short—if you’ve got a belief or an idea and you believe in it more than anything else, then it will automatically build up your self-esteem and your self-esteem will eventually lead you towards a final destination.
  • Unlearn to relearn: Unlearning basically means discarding old beliefs, ideas, and everything that is holding you back from reaching your full potential. On the other hand, relearning means outgrowing your self-limiting beliefs and recreating something new or simply changing your attitude towards life and the people around you.

Admittedly, it may sound difficult to step outside your comfort zone at first, but once you get addicted to the learning process and the benefits that come along with it, then you will never think of going back to it again and parallelly help you overcome yourself and your negative habits.

3. Prioritize your health

Your body is the one who you have to live most with, and prioritizing it is the best gift you can ever give to yourself. In fact, not only prioritizing it but committing to it for the rest of your life. You can do it by going for a 10 to 20-minute walk, lifting weights, or simply performing yoga at home. You can also try other aerobic exercises as well, like running, cycling, and swimming. Each exercise has its own advantages that will eventually help you overcome yourself and things that are holding you back in your life.

Besides taking care of physical health, maintaining mental health is also very crucial, as it directly affects your social, emotional, and psychological well-being. It is the reason why most people struggle to cope with emotional stress, depression, and anxiety issues. Hence, it is indeed necessary to keep the mind healthy and fit by practicing mindfulness, gratitude, or simply enjoying time in nature. Plus, it’s essential to keep a healthy diet, as our body needs essential substances to develop and function properly.

4. Practice self-compassion

Most people have a habit of blaming themselves for their mistakes. Instead of showing empathy and kindness toward themselves, they become harshly self-critical, cold, and judgmental. Not only that, they berate themselves for their failures, past mistakes, and lack of satisfaction with life. And as time goes by, this becomes a serious habit that is hard to tame down. So, it is really necessary to treat ourselves with the same compassion, kindness, and concern the way we treat our friends. That said, here is how you can cultivate self-compassion in your life and remain resilient during tough times.

  • Practice forgiveness: Forgiving yourself for your mistakes is the first step towards self-compassion and self-love. Because there is no sense in criticizing yourself for your past mistakes. Forgive yourself, learn from it, and let it go.
  • Always be grateful: Feeling grateful is the blessing one can have. Take time out to express your gratitude for what you have, right now. Even you can write a gratitude journal, or can speak positive affirmations as well. With this you would be able to overcome yourself, and attract positivity into your life.
  • Have a growth mindset: “Have a mind that is open for everything and attached to nothing.” This is what Dr. Wayne Dyer said, one of the globally recognized author and a motivational speaker. According to him, people who employ a growth mindset never make their success or happiness dependent on anything or anyone. They simply embrace the life’s opportunities as they come, and let them go as well.  

5. Surround yourself with positive people

Someone has rightly said, “Good things happen in your life when you surround yourself with positive people.” There is a lot of truth in it.  In fact, your happiness and success is somewhat dependent on the circle you live in and the people you hang out most time with. It can be your friends, your co-workers or your family members as well.

Hence, it is very crucial to choose the right people, who not only help you overcome yourself, but also bring out the real you — no matter how miserable and weak you may feel on the inside.

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