Blogs On Motivation

How To Change Your Life For The Better



Asking a question “How to change your life for the better”, may sound like an easy task, as there isn’t any action involved in it—just drop some lines and get back to daily life again. That’s how most of our lives have become now days. People prefer to speak rather than taking action.

So, asking questions is pretty easy than finding the answers of it. Because, solving a major life problem isn’t an overnight task, it takes lifelong commitment and unshakable resilience to come to the right solution. So, if you’re willing to change your life, then be prepared for making changes in your current lifestyle, your beliefs, your way of thinking and more.

7 Ways To Change Your Life For The better

If you genuinely want to change your life…then read these points carefully…….

1) First….. Don’t give a shit – Be like Tom

Understand that other people’s opinions are just – opinions, not facts or truths. They look at the world from their own perspective, shaped by their experiences, beliefs, biases and values. So, when people judge you. They don’t define you. They define themselves. So, instead of allowing others to affect your life in some way or other – just don’t give a shit and move on. Keep in mind, you don’t need everyone’s approval to find happiness. It is your life and you know better what’s good for you.

2) Set Yourself Free, and Don’t Be Afraid To Be Alone.

Being alone is the greatest gift you can have in your lifetime. It doesn’t mean that…you’re lonely or you have no one to talk to. It just means that… you’re strong enough to enjoy your own company. You’re strong enough to…follow your heart…your life’s purpose and what you truly want in your life. People are gonna come and go, but the regret remains…for a lifetime.

So, instead of running from your solitude…….just embrace it…because that is the secret of invention, that is where ideas are born (Nikola Tesla). Remember that, those who walk alone have the clearest direction, and those who fly solo have the strongest wings. There is no pride in waiting for the right moment. If you know that you’re stuck in the wrong place with the wrong people, then give yourself a favour, move on. Because growth only comes when you’re no longer attached to something or someone. When you no longer need other’s approval of how you should design your life.

When you no longer feel restricted and suffocated in between the group of people who don’t see any value in you. When you find the freedom within yourself. When you walk alone in your own chosen direction…that’s when you unlock the gifts of life and become a complete version of yourself.

3) Enjoy The Moment, Enjoy The Journey. It Will Make Sense After a While

Life is a precious gift that most people fail to unwrap. They get attached to people’s emotions, feelings and comparison cycles. Instead of appreciating the gifts of life, they focus on other’s successes, and fail miserably in the long run. But people who don’t seek approval from others of how they’re supposed to live their lives, they actually give respect to themselves. They understand that life’s true purpose doesn’t lie in the destination, but in the journey itself

4) Feed Your Brain With Good Information, Faith and Love

This is a story of two wolves. A grandfather speaks to his grandson, saying, “Within us, there are two wolves constantly at war. One is a good wolf embodying kindness, bravery, and love. The other is a bad wolf, symbolizing greed, hatred, and fear.”

The grandson pauses, pondering this, then asks, “Grandfather, which wolf wins?”

The grandfather softly answers, “The one you feed.

Keep in mind that your mind will always believe whatever you tell it. So, feed it hope. Feed it truth. And feed it with love.

5) Take Risks, If You Still Can

At one point in our lives, we realize that nobody is coming to save us. Nobody is coming to take responsibility of our lives. Nobody is going to help us with our life problems. You realize that govt, bollywood celebrities, medias, and social media channels…they are all feeding you ignorance to forget your life’s purpose. To forget what you can or could have become. Your life will remain unchanged until you satisfy your inner soul with hunger for life. Remember that…there is no glory in waiting for the right moment…the true glory is walking in the dark shadows and claiming everything that had always been yours. So, take risks whenever you can…because time waits for no one.

6) Harmony With Mind and Heart

“The most powerful creative state to bring your desires into reality is by bringing the conscious and subconscious into unison, then keeping your heart and mind in perfect sync.”― Steven Redhead

Your desires will remain a desire until you have a harmony in between your heart and mind. Your heart may wish to become an actor or singer, but your mind instantly gives you a reality check of why it is not possible at the moment. So, it won’t be possible to fulfill your materialistic or soulful need until you make a balance in between the both. if you’re aiming for the big, then your heart and mind must sync perfectly, so you will have ample resources to fullfill your soulful needs while remain awake in the physical world.

7) Less Consumption Of Social Media

Excess of everything is bad, so is the excessive use of social media. Spending hours watching social media content is just like feeding poison to yourself. The elites have already succeeded in injecting the quick gratification serum into your body, and you’re consuming it every day without being aware of it. So better wake up right now and focus on the good. Create an unbreakable routine that ensures you stay true to your values and life purpose, regardless of the circumstances.

The list can go on and on.

One personal advice Just don’t give up, if you fail, stand up…….. fight again…. fail again, fail better.

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