Blogs On Motivation

How To Build Confidence As An Adult?



When we reach to the age of adulthood, there are lot of questions that ignites the fire of curiosity within us. The one question that keep on knocking our subconscious window is “What the heck am I doing here on the blue orb”, “Who the F…ck am I”, and “Why I’m doing what I’m doing”, and beyond that. These are just small particles of our endless curiosity, covered with a little drop of our higher consciousness, and what we are desperately trying to unravel.

When you become an adult, you leave a timid part of yourself who used to be afraid of himself, people walking around or simply watching someone singing on the stage. That’s a fear of your previous version, “your past self”. But, as you move on to your adult age, you begin to comprehend your existence, what ignites the unshakable confidence within you and what motivates you to keep going despite what life throws at you.

You begin to realize that your life matters and even people’s opinion no longer matter either. It has also been seen that at the age of 34 to 35, most adults become mature and begin to make a balance in between the pragmatic and imaginative world. And that’s where they begin to generate the higher level of confidence, because they become aware of who they are, and why they’re not supposed to be worried of what others think about them, why compassion is better than yelling at someone, why comparison with others is dangerous and what not?

How To Build An Unshakable Confidence As An Adult?

1) Be Vulnerable To The World

When you show your weaknesses to the world you get one step closer to your future self. It is always the first step that is the hardest, because it leads you to show your vulnerability and what you most afraid of. Showing your true self requires courage, and courage comes when you allow yourself to be exposed to others, despite the risks of being hurt or judged. Courage comes when you disapprove other’s domination and live your life on your own terms. So, never shy away from showing your vulnerable side, as it will help you become stronger and wiser as your life goes on.

2) Ignite Your Passion

In order to give this life a meaning you must know how your inner self works and what makes it feel alive and fulfilled. 9 to 5 job can give you pay check to pay check life, but it can’t amplify your freedom but will restrict it in return. So, better find a way to make a balance in between what you love and what is required for survival. Don’t just remain stuck in the pit or working for someone else, just give your heart a chance. Make a routine where you can do things that excite you, inspires you, and gives your life a meaning to live this life one more day. Your voice is one of the most magical things you can count on, so stop burying it underground. Give it wings, and you’ll see how it increases your confidence in no time.

3) Make A Blueprint Of Where You Are And Where You Want To Go

If you genuinely want to change your life, then your path won’t be easier. It all depends on what path you’ve chosen, and what it will take to become reality. If you want to become an actor, then you won’t become it overnight. It requires deep self-introspection about your motivation, your subconscious desires, who you are as a person right now, and beyond that. Same applies to other professions as well.

So, in the end it is up to you how serious, relentless, determined and focused you are for your pursuits. Like we count numbers 1, 2, 3, similarly your path has numbers too, you can’t reach your destination from point A to point Z. You have to step on each alphabet to reach to point Z. Same works with life. You must understand the step-by-step process to make a wish into a reality. Do remember that dreams do happen, but all it takes the guts to make it real.

How can we forget about the “Walt Disney” manifestation? He was one of those people who gave his imagination wings, and brought imaginative characters into the world such as Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck.

Other most inspiring person is the “Eminem“. He is one of the greatest rappers in the world right now. His journey wasn’t that great. He lived in poverty during childhood days, and had allegations of abuse. He began his carrier when he was just 14 years old, and established himself as a leading Detroit’s battle rap scene at different clubs. There used to happen open mic contests where he would rap on Saturdays. He also ended up getting into drug addiction, but he got out of it with rehab services. After that he didn’t stop himself, and won dozens of awards for best rap album “The Slim Shady LP”, “8 Mile” and more. Apart from that, he has won 155 Grammy awards and has made a name in the rap industry. There are other numerous examples that inspires us, and make us push our limits, and make impossible possible.

4) You Have Less Time On Earth

You’ve got limited time on this planet like any other human being. So, stop staying stuck in your head. Tony Robins once said “if you’re in your head,  you’re dead”. And there’s a lot of truth in it. Most people live their whole life in a hope that their day will come despite knowing there isn’t any action involved in it. How hilarious it is! They know what they need to do, but they resist and allow their emotions cloud their judgement. They can go beyond their limit, but they prefer to stick around to the same routine until they get fed up of it and run for a freedom.

What you are afraid of? Are you afraid of people’s eyes, their opinions, their rich lifestyle or you’re broke and got nothing to take pride of? Ask yourself, do you really need some random individual advice to live your life? That other individual is counting his own life years like these galaxies, moons, planets, stars and what not. You’re afraid only, because you simply don’t know “Who You Are”. It is that simple!

The day you become aware of the power that resides within you, you no longer need other’s approval of how you should live your life, how big your dreams should be, and what you should wear, etc, etc. Your confidence lies in your unawareness of who you are. Watch yourself every day, talk to yourself, make journals, read self-development books, watch podcasts, follow people that inspires you, focus on your fitness and there are numerous things that you must do to keep yourself alive and fulfilled. It is just like…igniting the light within the dark eternity and coming out of it confidently without breaking.

Final Note!

Building confidence isn’t a god gifted trait, it is a learnable skill. You can become confident by knowing how you operate while being alone and while in the public. When you begin to explore the deepest part of your inner corners, you will realize you have amazing traits in you that you never knew you had. It all begins with a single step of knowing what is unknown to you, and gradually everything comes into play to get you there where you’re destined to be.

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